A Great Hearts education prepares students to be more than just proficient test takers, but rather, to become great-hearted leaders capable of success throughout higher education and professional careers. We emphasize that in order for students to become great-hearted leaders they must share in a knowledge that is rooted in the classical liberal arts tradition.

With a classical liberal arts education, our scholars will be ready for a lifetime of learning.
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The Great Books
The Great Books are works that have stood the test of time as exemplary for their beauty, eloquence, impact on history, and profundity in addressing the essential questions of what does it mean to be a human being.
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Outcomes and Results
We encourage you to explore beyond these numbers – come visit our campus and ask us about how our graduates are thriving at college, how many are completing their studies within 4 years and what they are going on to achieve in their careers.
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College Counseling
At Great Hearts, preparation for college discernment begins long before the first application is filled out. As important as the majors, degree programs and post-graduation outcomes are, it is also about finding the right fit for your graduate.
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Math and Science
In the Ancient World, many of the great philosophers were also scientists. Great Hearts scholars seek the essence of reality through the disciplines of math and science.
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Special Education
Great Hearts schools are public charter schools that provide a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities, who are currently eligible or are determined eligible to receive special education services and related services.
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ESL Assistance
With additional English assistance, we strive for all students to be academically successful.
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